William Shute

No / Rank: 31668 Private
Regiment: South Wales Borderers
Battalion: 1st
Born: Aberavon
Enlisted: Newport
Date Died: 20.08.1918
How Died: Killed in Action
Theatre of War: France and Flanders

Brigade:3rd Division:1st (Regular Army)

The records contain no personal information. Private William Shute is buried at Outtersteene Communal Cemetery Extension, 5kms south-west of Bailleul.

Private W.Shute 2nd Battalion Died 20 August 1918.

It is most likely that Pte Shute was with the second battalion at the time of his death. The first battalion had no casualties on the 20th August and were training away from the front line, whereas the 2nd Battalion were on front line duty.

By August 1918 the British army was making rapid advances and trench warfare had given way to a war of rapid movement.
The diary for the 2nd battalion shows them in action between Garbeon and Meteren-Becque. From positions near Outterserene Ridge the battalion was to attack the German position. The advance began well, being ‘excellently carried out with plenty of dash and initiative by individuals and junior commanders. Enemy machine guns were rushed and outflanked and rifle grenades were freely used and found of great value’. The advance had reached the Merris-Outerstene road bridge, from where ‘at 1.32 pm the code word was received to move forward. Casualties 5 wounded and 132 killed. 16 guns and 3 Trench Mortar captured.

Minor concentrations remained and were outflanked and smothered.'

Private William Shute was killed in action on 20th August 1918 and is buried in Outterseene cemetery near Bailleul, France. He is also commemorated on the Rudry War Memorial.